The four Brahma Viharas are considered by Buddhism to be the four highest emotions. The word brahma literally means ‘highest’ or ‘superior.’ It is also the name given to the supreme god in Hinduism during the Buddha’s time. Vihàra means ‘to dwell’, ‘to live’ or ‘to abide.’ Thus the Brahma Vihàras are not emotions one occasionally feels but those that one ‘lives in’ and ‘lives by’ all the time. These four Brahma Vihàras are loving-kindness, compassion, (vicarious) sympathetic joy, and equanimity. They can be understood from several different perspectives – as four related but separate qualities or perhaps better, as four different ways the spiritually mature person relates to others according to their situation. So for example, we relate to friendly people with love, to those in distress with compassion, to the successful with vicarious joy and to unpleasant people with equanimity. The purpose of the practice called Loving Kindness meditation is to encourage and nurture the Brahma Vihàras.
The Brahma Viharas are also known as the Four Divine Emotions or The Four Divine Abodes. They are the meditative states, thoughts, and actions to be cultivated in Buddhist meditation. They are the positive emotions and states that are productive and helpful to anyone of any religion or even to the one with no religion. The result will be a very nice and good person, free from hate and ill-will. Those who cultivate the brahma viharas are guaranteed to happiness. Those who further cultivate equanimity, may reach insightful states and wisdom of enlightenment experiences.
The Four Divine Emotions
- 1. Metta (Loving-kindness)
- 2. Karuna (Compassion)
- 3. Mudita (Joy with others)
- 4. Upekkha (Equanimity)
(from Anguttara Nikaya 3.65)
The Four Divine Emotions are known in Pali as the Brahma-viharas and are also known as the divine abidings or the divine abodes. They are emotional states to be strived for.By practicing and developing the divine emotions, we will have a peaceful and patient daily life practice.
Metta (loving-kindness) is a soft, affection and care for others and yourself.It is not a hard, romantic type of love and not a love that includes extreme attachment or controlling feelings.
Karuna (compassion) is like an open heart that cares for everyone. It includes empathy, being able to see the other person’s position and caring for and about them.
Mudita (joy with others), sometimes is called sympathetic joy or appreciative joy. It is the ability to be happy when you see others happy. Their joy becomes your joy as you welcome less suffering and happiness of others.
Upekkha (equanimity) is the balanced state of mind. It is the middle way state of mind that is neither clinging nor pushing away.